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Planet is a group exercise matching service for people who exercise outdoors due to social distancing. Considering the type and location of the exercise you prefer, Planet suggests appropriate groups and help you keep exercising through gamification functions.


Personal Project  - UX Research, GUI Design, Interaction Design


XD, Protopie, Photoshop, Illustrator


September. 2020 ~ November 2020


Social distancing & Outdoor Exercise

Due to social distancing, people aren't able to participate in-door exercises.

People chose outdoor exercise as an alternative.

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Limitations exercise actives & Lack Motivation

However, not being able to gather with other people, they are not able to do to team-based exercises and can't motivate each other.


Plant maximizes fun of outdoor exercise and motivate people to continue exercising.

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Outdoor + Group exercise + Gamification


01. User interview

Interview Goals

1. Understand the pain points of outdoor exercise

2.Understand the good user experience of gamification

 I wanted to focus on interviewing users who:

1. Feel hard to exercise alone.
2. Want to find someone to work out with
3. Prefer multi-person sports to solo sports


Research Insight & Opportunities

I was able to discover some main insights that could be directly connected to main functions.


02. Benchmarking

I thought that some details should be made to help users to feel comfortable using the service and to keep on exercising thoroughly. So I decided to search some other services that have the answer!

(1) Meeting others based on common interests

Through service "Everyone's Meeting", people meet others though a private community. In the early stages of the service, private meeting functions are provided by considering acquaintance-based groups, which can be expanded to allow new people to be invited, thereby laying the foundation for the meeting in the early stages. Lower entry barriers to meeting services for those who are reluctant to start a new collection from scratch.


Private communities can help people to participate more actively.

(2) Reduce worries about meeting strangers

Manner temperature is an indicator of various activities in the carrot market. The temperature can start at 36.5 degrees and rise to 99 degrees. Manner temperature may rise when there are many transactions or positive reviews, but it may also be lowered when warned in violation of carrot market management policies.

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Personal assessment measures are needed to reduce alertness against others.

(3) Using gamification to encourage people

"Walker" is an APP that makes walking as a fun experience. It gives "coin" and "energy" based on the user's number of steps. Using "coin" and "energy", users can exchange various graphic contents.


The visualization of the user's condition enhances the gamification effect.


Main Features


(1) Home & Feed

New planets

Users can easily check contents written in one line. Planet actively promotes Planet and looks at other Planet's exercise photos.

Searching planets by different exercises

Consider acquaintance-based meetings

Users can start by take part in private meetings to pave the way, and then expand it to public meetings.


(2) Planet Details

Planet Albums
Photos at the time of the exercise meeting can be posted on the main page of the meeting. People who are searching for a new planet can understand the atmosphere of the meeting.

Users can check the recruitment status.

Location-Based Matching

Planets that are close to the user is recommended.


(3) Profile & Stickers

My Stickers/Group Stickers
Stickers are provided when users reach a certain goal. By visualization, users can be motivated using the service.

People can leave messages to each other.

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